2017년 2월 5일 일요일

Week1 Blog Entry

                                 THIS IS THE START

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Image result for chronological order of steve jobs

The part that intrigued me the most in class is when our professor talked shortly about the success story of Apple. As a huge fan of Apple Macbook Air for several years, I was always quite curious about the behind story of Apple. However, just through several types of research, it made me respect Steve Jobs even more. The fact that Steve Jobs got removed from his own company is already world famous story all around the world. Due to the firm opinion that he had about Macintosh he had a lot of conflicts with other high officials. Thus, causing him to step down from his own company and he gave his power and control to John Sculley. At that time experts do say that John's argument was more reasonable compare to Steve Jobs, however, this caused Steve Jobs to say that this was the most tiring moment of his life. After he was removed from his company he and few of his other workers went to NeXT and surprisingly Steve Jobs did not so bad in that company. On the other hand, by the time it was 1997 STEVEJOBLESS Apple was breaking apart, while their rival companies were flying upon the sky. However, it is true that just like what we learned during class in year 1997 to 2000 dot com companies fell apart including many other companies that involved with technology. Apple ended up buying NeXT and smoothly Steve Jobs regained the power that he had.    

Image result for you're fired trump

As I have said Steve Jobs stated that this whole process was the hardest part of his life! If we look at all this right now I really can't understand what John Sculley (the one who Steve ended up getting fired by) had in mind. However, fast forwarding to the moment Steven Jobs was back in control he immediately launched the product called Ipod. This caused a sensational boom in the market. Ipod was not the only impact that caused such a drastic change in the company. Steve Jobs was passionate about design, future projects and he did not only focus on computers but touched the basis of many other products. Some examples might be the MacBook Air, Iphone and many other products that we are so familiar with. After just two months of being bankrupt, Apple soon became one of the most wealthiest companies in the world. Obviously, now the experts argue that the highest praise should obviously go to Steve Jobs.

Image result for products of apple

Just by looking at the picture above we could see that the accomplishment of Steve Jobs is quite impressive. However, just to state the fact surprisingly Steve Jobs was not directly involved in the technology area. He rather felt comfortable in performing his genius in marketing and design. He focused his designs on making things simpler and concise, however, it never fell short when it came to professionalism. Steve Jobs added more ideas and designs to the fonts and this also helped the company to turn into one of the most successful companies in the world.

Apple Infographic - Apple's Growth Since Re-Hiring Steve Jobs 20 Years Ago

Just by looking at the graph we could see the obvious impact and the growth Steve Jobs brought to Apple. Even until now the success story of Steve Jobs and Apple is still a legendary story that there is much more to study about it.

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